Entries by Herschel Fogelman

Herschel Fogelman co-chairs Ontario’s power imbalances training program.

Family law arbitrators are mandated by the Attorney General of the Province of Ontario to update their knowledge about power imbalances and domestic violence in family law settings every two years. Herschel Fogelman is co-chair for the next program, planned for January 2022. “It’s important that we constantly update our understanding of family law dynamics […]

Herschel Fogelman contributes to the National Family Law Arbitration program

Herschel was pleased to be a member of the steering committee and the faculty for the National Family Law Arbitration program. The five-day program in February 2021 featured Herschel and other of Canada’s top arbitrators providing hands-on guidance and information to family lawyers across Canada seeking to expand their practices. As legislative changes in many […]

Why 95% of divorces settle without litigation.

Fortunately for the parties involved, most divorces settle without litigation. When the financial and emotional costs are tallied, going to court is just too expensive. Not to mention the months and months that court litigation requires. If a lawyer charges $500 an hour, a five-day trial costs …

Mediation is a popular alternative to litigation in family law.

Mediation has become a very popular alternative to litigation in family law matters. More Ontario lawyers use mediation than B.C., Alberta, or Nova Scotia lawyers to resolve disputes, according to Canadian Forum on Civil Justice research. Mediation’s key benefits include the potential to save time and money, and the potential …