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July 23, 2021/by Fogelman LawPart III: Fogelman Law’s Highlights of Recent Divorce Act Changes, Effective March 1, 2021
Think of the Children. When making a parenting order or a contact order, the court must only take into account the “best interest of the child.” But what does this mean? …
July 23, 2021/by Herschel FogelmanPart II: Fogelman Law’s Highlights of Recent Divorce Act Changes, Effective March 1, 2021
Making Contact. As discussed in our previous article, “orders for custody” and “orders for access” have now been renamed “parenting orders” and “contact orders,” respectively. Parenting orders under S. 16.1 are available to spouses, parents of the child, and those who stand or intend to stand in the place of a parent. …
June 1, 2021/by Herschel FogelmanFogelman Law’s Highlights of Recent Divorce Act Changes, Effective March 1, 2021
On March 1, 2021, substantial changes to the Divorce Act came into force, including changes to the language and substance surrounding parenting orders, changes relating to third-party parenting time, relocation, and other important parenting matters.
Over the next few months, Fogelman Law will offer brief summaries of these important changes …
May 12, 2021/by Herschel FogelmanOver the next few months, Fogelman Law will offer brief summaries of these important changes …
Arbitration is an effective alternative to litigation in family law.
The fundamental difference between litigation and arbitration is that, in arbitration, the parties pay someone to adjudicate their dispute. Despite this added expense, a properly conducted arbitration should work out to be less expensive than litigation. Where arbitration follows, …
February 3, 2021/by Herschel FogelmanWhy 95% of divorces settle without litigation.
Fortunately for the parties involved, most divorces settle without litigation. When the financial and emotional costs are tallied, going to court is just too expensive. Not to mention the months and months that court litigation requires. If a lawyer charges $500 an hour, a five-day trial costs …
January 5, 2021/by Herschel FogelmanMediation is a popular alternative to litigation in family law.
Mediation has become a very popular alternative to litigation in family law matters. More Ontario lawyers use mediation than B.C., Alberta, or Nova Scotia lawyers to resolve disputes, according to Canadian Forum on Civil Justice research. Mediation’s key benefits include the potential to save time and money, and the potential …
December 3, 2020/by Herschel FogelmanRetirement is a factor for support payments in separation agreements.
A working spouse needs to consider the impact of retirement on spousal support in their separation agreement. Many support providers assume they’ll be able to reduce or eliminate their support obligations at retirement, based on reduced earning potential. Unfortunately, it’s often not that simple. This is a conversation …
November 15, 2020/by Herschel FogelmanIdentifying an unsuitable case for mediation.
The fundamental difference between litigation and arbitration is that, in arbitration, the parties pay someone to adjudicate their dispute. Despite this added expense, a properly conducted arbitration should work out to be less expensive than litigation. Where arbitration follows mediation, …
November 1, 2020/by Herschel FogelmanMain reception: (416) 944 0038
481 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON M5S 1X9